Cancer Weekly 8

Hello there friends and readers,

Just to let you know I’m still here although not a lot has happened recently and the way forward is mysterious.

I’ve now divided my consultants into Dr Goodnews and Dr Badnews. My surgeon who’s clinic is at the Whittington, insists that he and the da Vinci machine have removed the cancer and there’s no point in having radio therapy. Dr.Badnews at UCLH says “Well he would say that, wouldn’t he?” and proceeds to tell me that my initial high PSA reading makes it very likely that the cancer has moved on from the prostate and is waiting to set up shop somewhere else.Dr Goodnews and Dr Badnews006

 The nice radio therapist gave me a detailed talk concerning my choice between radio therapy and monitoring and explained all the possible radio therapy side effects. Everything from skin rashes to random bowel movements via incontinence, rupturing blood vessels, and additional tumours that could appear  up to 20 years later ( wishful thinking?). The choice for further treatment is left up to me which is not easy as nobody seems to know for certain if I still have cancer and if so where it may be. I have decided on the monitoring. This involves keeping a close eye on the PSA readings then further treatments if and when needed. There is no medical evidence to show that one choice may be better than the other.

For this reason there is currently an international medical trial to help ascertain what is the best timeing for RT and hormone therapy. Having already made my mind up I won’t be part of the trial. Shame, I’d like to have been useful.

Attention has now been focused on restoring my penis to working mode. There’s nothing like a prostatectomy to cause problems in the lower regions and the Whittington hospital nob doctor gave me a helpful booklet imaginitively titled ‘In Your Hands’. It seems the options include pills, pumps, injections and implants. As a starter I have a 3 month course of Cialis which has so far given me firm, red ears.

It seems that UCLH is not completely coordinated with Whittington as a doctor there (The Big nob doctor) suggested that I change my treatment to UCLH as they have better, moderner facilities and gave me more and stronger Cialis. Perhaps I could make a profit out of this.

Since being diagnosed I’ve read numerous books about fighting cancer with diet, fitness and alternative therapies. There are many approaches including the use of massive doses of vitamin C, a diet of cruciferous veg, cannabis, aspirin and gallons of flax oil every day. The one thing they all have in common is that everything one likes to eat and drink is taboo. Given that us desperate types will try anything I am thinking of writing a self-help book called ‘Curing Cancer with Beer’. It may not be scientific but who cares – I bet it would sell loads.

That’s it really for now.

I hop to see you soon.

All the beast


And by the way, my Gleason score has now changed from 4+3 to 3+4. Isn’t that interesting? 

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